The lies we tell, constructs our reality. We construct and live the lies because we are consumed by fear and shame from our past. We remain focused on the past, and often consumed by the weight of the lies we have to maintain.
Lies upon lies stacked becomes our lived reality, and we relish in self delusion. On one level, the lies you tell are serving you, but at the core root of self-deception resides our sense of powerlessness. We lie to avoid feeling pain, shame, rejection, and to mask our inadequacies. Yet the pain remains active. We essentially feel powerless, and the lies we hold on to serve as a plaster to our inadequacies and our lack of personal power. We are never far from our personal truth, but if we are to be set free from the lies and the perpetual suffering caused by the lies we tell, we have to be willing to pivot our focus. Our cunning nature can never be extinguished, rather it has to be transmuted towards its polar opposite, which is integrity. Integrity to self thus becomes our central value within this journey we call life. We must however, be prepared to walk away from the shadows of our past if we are to step in to integrity and truth. The constructs of the Self erected by lies, are mere illusions of our former self. We have to be willing to see their temporary and fragile nature. They may have once served us, but no longer are they sustainable. No longer can they remain as our reality. And with intent, and desired focus, we redirect our mental energy towards that which we wish to transform. Truth and integrity are not easy qualities to embody, yet, the only way to transcend suffering personally and collectively, is by you being prepared to walk the path of the less travelled. It is easy to lie to yourself. It is easy to live in delusion, yet it creates much suffering and discord, and diminishes your power and self-worth. It creates misalignment and disharmony. A life constructed on lies, whittle's away your power and dignity, and keeps you fighting and flighting in survival mode. The path forward may seem like barren land, or an empty landscape. The foundations for a new life we seek is not yet formed. Its construction must however begin from somewhere. And thus, it begins with refocusing your sense of mental projections. By becoming aware of your thoughts, you become aware of your desires and fears, and little by little, you will muster the courage to construct a new reality, and lay foundations that rests in self power and integrity. A life that finally liberates you from suffering, delusion, deception and lies. Self Enquiry Practice: